
May 16, 2010

Blah Blah Blog

Taken from Jibjab,com

It's like an aftertaste followed by sudden bursts of nice+sweet flavours on your taste buds.'s been years since I Iast blogged. Should I blame Mrs. Geocities...Mr. Procrastination...Miss Friendster...or Sir Secretive Personality for d long hiatus? I wud blame myself...but been listening to Linkin Park, I blame other people :))

As my muse wud usually come during nighttime, I'll b sharing my thoughts between dusk and dawn. I wud post my blog during d day...but dat will go against my gothic+mysterious blogging nature (N night-bloggings induce anti-boredom due to wifey's reign over d family tv almost every night+got bored stiff like a vampire with no cable in d coffin during daytime). P.s. To wifey...if u accidentally come across dis post..there was a full moon when I wrote dis. Erm...u complete me :*

So, what else to put here...the Thomas Cup? Dats a downer (Skip). Sodomy trial? Weird n disgusting (Skip). Police shooting unarmed teens? Scary n ISA-prone (BIG skip). Celebrity gossips? Hmm..contemplating... (Ok2..also skip). Tv shows' season finales? Aha, will do just dat...but not tonight (Coz tonight is just between me n Paranormal Activity).

N now's d time 4me to say "Yabbedy yabbedy dat's all folks!". Nope...scrape dat. "Goodnight out there...whatever u are...ho ho ha ha ha!". Dat's better >:)

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