
November 17, 2011

The Walking Dead: A Personal Insight

*May contain spoilers.

Kids do the darndest  things before age 7, like sliding down the stairs using the Monopoly board, getting creative with lipsticks and living room walls, and having drain frogs as pets. Emmm….(*wide grin). 

Well, compared to those things, what I did later was a lil bit more extreme; I watched my very first zombie movie. It was the Dawn of the Dead (the original 1978 version, not the 2003’s 28 Hours-ish remake). Not sure if the illicit exposure was due to bad parenting, or it was me who found the hidden VHS tape at home…and got curious. Mum said I brood a lot for a week. When things got to normal again, my thoughtful teenage babysitter brought me to the cinema to watch Night of the Creeps (with the alternate ending…the one with the graveyard scene). And Demons 2 back at her home…plus countless Chinese zombie movies after that….and…(Yikes…WTH did the adults think back in the 80’s?)

Either way, I’m just grateful that I don’t need therapy…coz the present moi could turn out to be a lil bit different at present… perhaps with no blog site, despise sushi, love durian, and share conversations with cats (Butterfly Effects people). Still, have to thank the adults for making me a big fan of zombie movies…and a zombie movie critic (Btw, Resident Evil 4: Afterlife suck)

The Walking Dead; got to know about the graphic novel through a review from The Star newspaper about 2 or 3 years ago. Since then, I got hooked as a reader and a big fan. You can imagine how it almost blew my head off with excitement when I got to know TWD was being made into a TV series. It was too cool to be true…but it did.

Of course the series is way different from the original counterpart. Shane is still alive and well, the addition of the Dixon brothers, the trip to CDC in Atlanta…the list is a long one. But there are Easter eggs/allusions from the novels that were used in the series, like Shane’s police cap, Carl’s hat, Andrea’s choice of weapon, and Hershel’s barn.

An extremely cool redneck Norman Reedus

At the moment, the latest episode entitled Chupacabra (Episode 5, Season 2) continues with the team’s never-ending search for Sophia (I wouldn’t really say it was a team effort…seems Daryl is doing most of the job). Hershel’s annoying qualities began to surface…that clearly depicts his displeasure at team Rick’s presence in his farm. I wonder why Rick could pick-up on that? And after more than 10 episodes, he couldn’t even see the tension between Lori and Shane (Rick needs to be more aware of his surroundings…the living can be dangerous too you know).

I love the scenes with Daryl and his face-off with imaginary big bro Merle. Still wonder if this will turn out to be something like Anakin-turned-Darth Vader thing (Or…dare if I say it…Daryl as the future Governor?). If AMC and the production kept in tune with the fan base, they would be best leave Glenn and Daryl from harm’s way (Aside: Norman Reedus rocks!)

Glenn came, Glenn saw, Glenn stuttered

Glenn’s horrific discovery was no biggie if you’ve read the novel beforehand. The biggest mystery is still Dr. Jenner’s whisper to Rick back in Season 1. Hope that will be revealed soon in the next episode that is aptly entitled ‘Secrets’. Either that, or it is a pending information that will put the end of the bromance between Rick and Shane.

The next episode is due Monday. Thank goodness for TWD’s new #91 issue (*grin).

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